Hurray, hurray it’s the first of May! Well, yesterday was anyway. A few days ago a client was checking out the blog and asked me what kind of gardening I like to do. I have a few small flower beds but the main event is an awesome vegetable garden.
Starting about February each year I get terrible spring fever. Actually, I guess it starts in January, when the seed catalogs start to arrive! Oh the agony. At least a girl can dream…and get out the graph paper to plan what is going where. What to plant?
Yesterday I wandered out to the garden with my new 85mm/1.8 lens (which ROCKS by the way!) to capture what’s coming up. Strawberries, red leaf lettuce, chives, broccoli…and soda bottles? Cut the bottoms off the bottles and reuse them as “warmers” over what will be sweet corn seedlings. Mmmmm. Happy spring!
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