The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association [AG]WPJA is comprised of outstanding wedding photographers (WPJA members), who are at the forefront of the wedding photography industry when it comes to enhancing images.
The chief objective of the [AG]WPJA is to provide members with a platform where the finest enhanced, manipulated and/or artistic wedding photojournalism in the world is spotlighted and promoted for the bride and groom.
The [AG]WPJA is a separate division of the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA). Whereas the WPJA upholds strict guidelines that forbid excessive picture manipulation, the [AG]WPJA encourages and fosters creative image enhancement, with the vision of promoting Fine Art Wedding Photojournalists.
The [AG]WPJA establishes and upholds high standards that are taken into consideration during the judging process for our wedding photography contests. Using all artistic tools at their disposal, members skillfully enliven their work in post production processing.
You might remember late last year when I was super excited to have been accepted for membership into the
WPJA. Well I found out last night that I received an Honorable Mention in the [AG]WPJA's latest contest! The image above, from Shanelle & Jamie's May 12 wedding, was judged
(lucky) #13 in the "Getting Ready" category. The top 20 images in each category are recognized.
I love this image of Shanelle. It was taken inside the church, in the room where she was getting ready. By this time, she was ready to go and the waiting had begun. She was minutes away from walking out of the room, down the hallway and into the sanctuary. It was not posed at all (that would be anti-WPJA!). I didn't ask her to hold still, didn't give her any instructions or say anything for that matter. This was how I saw her ... pensive and beautiful, alone with her thoughts. I have to chuckle too because one of the "rules" they often teach newer photographers is NOT to put your subject smack dab in the center of your photograph. Hmmm, I think in this case maybe it works...
1 comment:
Nicely done!
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